The Evolution of the Polo Horse
From its fairly hastily beginnings – large groups of men astride small ponies trotting here and there – polo evolved into a more organized and skillful game. And as mallet technique evolved from dribbling the ball while leaning over the pony’s neck to full swings taken at speed, the advantages to well-mounted players became clear. Small, hunter-type ponies – once the favored mounts – gave way to larger, faster ponies and small thoroughbreds. For a time, the Hurlingham club, the English authority, tried to limit a pony’s height to 14 hands,raised it to 14.2 in 1895, but abandoned the restriction in 1919. Today, most polo ponies stand around 15.1 hands, although it is not unusual to see a horse over 16 hands. In the U.S., thoroughbreds are bred with quarter horses in hopes of realizing the best qualities of each. Argentines cross thoroughbreds with their local Criollo horses. Ideal polo ponies show speed, stamina and agility. The best are responsive, even intuitive, and have a calm disposition that enables them to focus all of their energy on the game.
Invest in top bloodlines
produced by Adolfo Cambiaso &
La Dolfina Breeding.
Compete at the highest levels of
professional polo with Men and
Women’s Teams, Wellington Fl.
Retired horses donated to HIPA assuring best horses for Hawaii future polo play.

Horse Management & Breeding
Chris Dawson’s strategic plan to develop a horse breeding and player development program at La Dolfina, Argentina; Wellington, FL; and Waimanalo, Hawaii.
• Cloning and Embryonic Breeding of horses (Argentina)
• Managing Playing horses (Florida)
• Retired horses for lessons and programming (HI)

Horse Retirement – Hawaii
Horses will be donated to HIPA and retired in Hawaii. Supporting:
• Events
• Programs
• Revenue generation through Sales
• Continuously providing the Best Bloodline in the World to Hawaii,
raising the bar of quality horses in HI

Horse Cloning and Breeding
La Dolfina known worldwide as home of Adolfo Cambiaso’s breeding training center, putting out best horses and players in the world. Development of HPL Breeding Center:
• Horse embryo breeding and player development program at La Dolfina.
• 40 horse barn & Training Center.
Our Horses
The Anuenue Polo Farm cares and maintains 30 world class horses. Each hails from the most respected polo breeding operations in the world.

Hawaii Polo Life Kids Team

Support men and women's teams in Wellington, Florida